In two parts – I – 1875, and the buffalo on the verge of disappearance. Cree leader Big Bear is attempting to negotiate for his band with the Canadian government who wish him to sign the treaty and select a reserve. As the band starves and conditions worsen the more radical young warriors, such as his son Little Bad Man, grow in power. Part II: When they hear of the Metis victory at Duck Lake, in the spring of 1885, Little Bad Man and Wandering Spirit (the war chief) take control of the band and attack the whites at the settlement at Frog Lake, later capturing and burning Fort Pitt. They are hunted by government troops whom they force to retreat but Big Bear’s scattered band soon surrenders, resulting in execution for some leaders and prison for Big Bear.
This item is a manufactured-on-demand release. Using recordable CDs & DVDs, the label who owns the rights to these MOD releases, custom burns discs for each order sold. Most titles previously had a pressed release but have lapsed out of print and are now only available on these MOD discs.