How the West Was Won aired as a sprawling maxi-series of double-length episodes broadcast over three seasons a true saga, as befits the film that inspired it. Each installment presents unique themes, viewpoints and characters, all tied together by their connection to the Macahan family saga, while the family’s destiny is manifestly tied to that of the nation’s. The third season sees mountain man Zeb Macahan (James Arness, Gunsmoke) continue to lead the clan in the task of taming the new frontier, with Molly Culhane (Fionnula Flanagan, Lost) by his side. Fugitive deserter Luke (Bruce Boxleitner, Scarecrow and Mrs. King) sees a change in fortune, while Josh (William Kirby Cullen, One Day at a Time) undergoes some arduous rites of passage. It’s a peril well understood by sisters Laura (Kathryn Holcomb, Skag) and Jessie (Vicki Schrek, Freaky Friday), who learn that falling for the bad boy may be a fatal mistake. Notable guests include Craig T. Nelson, Keye Luke, Bradford Dillman, Belinda Montgomery and Kim Cattrall.
This item is a manufactured-on-demand release. Using recordable CDs & DVDs, the label who owns the rights to these MOD releases, custom burns discs for each order sold. Most titles previously had a pressed release but have lapsed out of print and are now only available on these MOD discs.