Sally O’Moyne, a good-natured but awkward school-girl lives with her extended and eccentric Irish-American clan. One day at school, unable to find her lunch bucket, Sally says a prayer to St. Anne in hope of heavenly assistance. When Sally finds her lunch, she believes a miracle has happened, convincing her of a special relationship with the saint. Meanwhile, some animosity between the O’Moyne family and a neighbor grows and manifests itself in various comic situations. The plot develops as Sally, firm in her belief in St. Anne, emerges from adolescence an attractive young woman, and discovers the opposite sex. The feud, along with Sally’s personal life, works itself to resolution in this light, nostalgic look at growing up Catholic in the 1940s and 1950s.
Quality & Format:
This is not a factory produced item.
This item is believed to be in the public domain and not available commercially.
Please be aware that due to the age and rarity of some of the media we distribute the quality varies. We always endeavour to offer the highest quality available but in some cases the picture/sound may not be pristine, particularly in comparison to today’s high quality production values.
We do however ensure that the quality is at the very least good enough to be deemed watchable, and in most cases the quality is actually very good to excellent. If the quality is not of this standard then it usually means that there are no high quality versions available as such.
The Films are often from old TV broadcasts and tape transfers and haven’t been restored so the quality, while perfectly watchable will not be the same standard as modern DVD’s (for example there may be slight video or audio disturbances).
This is a Multi-Region (Region 0/ALL) DVD -R and should play on most DVD players in the world.
This item has been produced by ourselves and will be neatly presented on
a high quality brand DVD-R with printed artwork on the disc , Full Color Cover in a Standard DVD case.
Please Note:
We print directly onto our discs and use high quality production materials,
we DO NOT use sticky labels on our discs as some media distributors do, because as well as looking untidy, sticky labels can inhibit the playback and lifespan of the product and in some cases even damage a disc playing device.
We are committed to bringing you these rare and collectible titles. If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, please contact me ASAP and I will work to resolve any issues you may have before you leave feedback.