Rosalind Russell stars in this complex psychological drama about a woman whose husband is killed in World War II while saving the lives of five comrades. She sets out for some sort of revenge, but when she is struck by a truck and paralyzed, a boozy reporter (Melvyn Douglas) thinks she can walk again and uses psychology to help her. But what she also doesn’t know is – he’s one of the five men on her list! Richly photographed in a gauzy style by cinematographer Joseph Walker to heighten the dreamlike quality of the story, with excellent support by Sid Caesar, Betsy Blair, Nina Foch.
This item is a manufactured-on-demand release. Using recordable CDs & DVDs, the label who owns the rights to these MOD releases, custom burns discs for each order sold. Most titles previously had a pressed release but have lapsed out of print and are now only available on these MOD discs.